Sports - Specific Injury Rehabilitation – Maximising Sporting Performance

Whether you are participating in social sport or competing at an elite level, at PhysioFit-SA we assess and manage your sport injuries. Starting with thorough assessment taking into consideration all that your sport demands, including the training and competition schedule it requires. Our sports focused physiotherapists are trained to assess and rehabilitate you from the earliest stage of your injuries (Day 1) right through to your full and complete return to sport and high performance.

Sports Injury Assessments

Your initial and subsequent assessments will involve discussing your injury management knowledge, sporting demands, current and previous injury history, training and competition loads and upcoming schedules as well as undergoing thorough physical assessments to identify your body’s strengths and weaknesses. This may include looking at your specific:

  • Joint Range of Motion
  • Muscle and Neural Flexibility
  • Muscle strength, power and endurance                     
  • Balance and co-ordination
  • Biomechanical and kinetic chain alignment and control
  • Sports-specific movements and techniques
  • Cardiorespiratory capacity and endurance

Sports Injury Management and Rehabilitation

At PHYSIOFiT-SA we are trained to manage your injuries with a wide variety of treatment techniques depending on what your preferences are and what your injury requires. In addition to our regular physiotherapy treatments, our sports focused physiotherapists can rehabilitate your injury using any combination of:

  • Sports massage & myofascial release
  • Dry needling and western acupuncture
  • Taping Techniques - sports tape & kinesiotape         
  • Biomechanical video analysis       
  • Targeted injury prevention warm-ups
  • Home exercise programs (rehab & injury prevention)
  • Physiotherapy Exercise (P.Ex) classes (see below)
  • Movement retraining for safe and efficient sporting techniques 
  • Referral and communication with GP, Specialists and Health Professionals
  • Symptom and load monitoring for injury management and prevention

Return to Sport & Injury Prevention

At PHYSIOFiT-SA we understand that returning from injury needs to be a streamlined process and that time is of the essence, but most importantly it needs to be safe and maintained. Our physiotherapists will work with you to minimise your time away from sport and to structure your rehabilitation to prevent re-injury and maximise your performance. As a part of your graduated return to sport we can also:

  • Provide appropriate referrals and liaise with radiology, medical practitioners and specialists as required
  • Utilise an injury screening process to identify and manage any contributing factors you may have to improve performance and prevent injury recurrence
  • Liaise with your coaching staff and trainers to better co-ordinate your return to sport
  • Provide you with sport-specific injury prevention and self-management strategies
  • Teach you how monitor your injury rehabilitation and tolerance to increasing training and rehabilitation loads through targeted symptom monitoring
  • Use and instruct on appropriate taping techniques and bracing to provide you with added protection as you return to activity
  • Use video analysis to assess and identify running, kinetic chain and biomechanical technique compensations to guide your rehabilitation and prevent injury recurrence
  • Instruct you on safe and appropriate graduated cardio-respiratory, running, strengthening and flexibility programs as necessary
  • Provide you with solutions to ongoing injury management and prevention through one of our Physiotherapy Exercise (P.Ex) classes, or a home program.

Physiotherapy Exercise (P.Ex) Classes

(formally “Strength & Fitness” and “Clinical Pilates” Classes)

P.Ex Classes At PHYSIOFiT-SA can involve any combination of resisted strengthening exercises, rehab exercises, clinical pilates-informed exercises, injury prevention exercises and cardio-based fitness exercises to help manage or prevent injury, improve sporting performance, or just make every day activities easier. After a comprehensive initial assessment, setting up your exercise or injury management goals and instructing you through your personalised P.Ex program, you are then able to join our small group sessions where you will have professional physiotherapy supervision as you complete your own personalised program.

  • Injury Prevention
  • Sports and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation               
  • Muscle Power, Strength or Endurance
  • Cardio-Respiratory Fitness
  • Maximising Sporting Performance
  • Balance and Falls Prevention
  • Core Control and Stability
  • Weight Loss and General Conditioning
  • Postural Re-training
  • Diabetes Management

Clinical Pilates

At PHYSIOFiT-SA all of our staff have been trained in the use of Clinical Pilates exercises and our Pilates equipment (Reformers and Trapeze Tables).  We use this training with our clients as part of their personalised Physiotherapy Exercise (P.Ex) programs or 1-to-1 exercise sessions within a physiotherapy therapeutic exercise framework to allow them to access all the benefits that Clinical Pilates-informed exercises can provide in injury rehabilitation, improving flexibility, core stability and movement control, reducing muscle tension and joint soreness, and in injury prevention. We will tailor a specific Physiotherapy Exercise program to you and your sporting needs so call us today to get the most out of your body.

Contact Us. We will find a physiotherapist specific to your needs.